Tuesday, March 3, 2009


if you know becca, she hates surprises...if they are pulled over on her that is. i think it has more to do with the fact that she prides herself on not letting things get by her...well, i carefully planned all the details and pulled one over on her. i planned an all-day spa day for her and i yesterday! we were at the spa for 6 glorious hours getting pampered...loving every minute of it! i think it took 4 of those hours for us to actually relax and stop thinking, but by the end of the day, i felt relaxed and rejuvenated! the last month has just been crazy for us and now we can slow down a bit (we'll see how long that lasts!).

anyway, can't wait to share some of the new lines we picked up at the buying show this weekend! will keep you posted. they are great additions to our line-up and are sure you will be thrilled with them. we're off to vancouver at the end of the month as well, so hopefully we'll find a few more great things! as always, we love getting feedback about products you are looking for. you can go to our website and click on "contact us"


...or send an email to cravings@sasktel.net

have a great day!

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