Thursday, September 16, 2010

a balanced life

it's almost embarassing to see how long it's been since i've is busy and it seems to get busier by the minute. i was asked to write something for a friend about living a balanced life. while i strive to achieve balance daily, there are going to be things in life that get pushed aside...and i guess the blog was one of them.

the store is growing at a rate that is truly remarkable. becca and i are finding less and less time to do the extra things. our families are also growing and with that comes the added responsibility of getting the kids to day care, to school, to day time and after school activities...all while trying to run a business. things were definitley getting off balance for us so we've recently hired a General Manager, Darcy, to help us tackle some of our "to-do list".

you can check out this link for a little more insight in to my life
