Sunday, February 1, 2009

lots going on

layla got her first cold yesterday. i feel so bad for her. not at all surprising considering perry & ryan both have colds. i was, however, surprised that she didn't wake up last night- she actually ended up sleeping in this morning. ryan slept in a bit too and was anxious to get perry out of bed (no sleeping in for him!). an early morning start for them as they left about 8:15 to go to our new space and then to go grocery shopping.

perry was at the new store for 5 hours last night working on various things and i put in another 5 hours of work yesterday. i think he'll be able to get most of the things on his list completed this morning and i'll head to the new space this afternoon. ah, the end is near! february is such a crazy busy month for us as we have our grand opening (i think we're about ready to announce the date, but i better check with becca first before i say anything!), a trade show and the family expo. too much for my liking!

aside from going to the store, today is going to be a lazy one. i did manage to wash my hair last night which was a bonus! i also managed to squeeze in a glass of wine and i enjoyed a few hours of 24 that i pvr'd (not sure if i'm using the right lingo?)...a nice break...

off to get ready for the day!


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