Thursday, February 26, 2009

almost done the month!

i've seriously spent the last 3 days thinking about writing but not ever having the time to do it. tuesday and wednesday evenings were spent at the old store patching and sanding. went back there today and did a bit more but perry is on call tonight so becca is there by herself right now- sorry becca. tomorrow is another busy day. ryan has pre-school, i've go to run around and get things for saturday evening and we have the first day of our buying show...already buying for next fall/winter! i'm yawning as i type this!

ok, i can't believe how small our first "baby" really was. when becca and i first found the location (in 2005), we never dreamt we would be expanding in 3 years. it NEVER crossed our minds. i walk back in to the space and i can't believe we crammed everything in there...sorry! i hope you are enjoying our new location as much as we are!

aside from that, i am just going to try and make it through the weekend and after monday, things should be slowing down. we've decided that march is going to be the month for organizing our staff room (we promise!) and our office.

have a great night!

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