Wednesday, February 18, 2009

global tv

did you happen to catch global news today? i caught part 3 of 3 on saskatoon's baby boom...coincidentally the part on our store aired tonight...pvr'd it for becca. always strange to see yourself on camera...i think it turned out quite well though! will have to see if we can get parts 1 and 2 as well.

was at the store today and got lots accomplished. the time just flew by until i had to pick layla up from daycare. i guess she is adjusting well and isn't making strange anymore. we should be working it up to full days soon! monday will be a long day for her as i won't be able to pick her up until late afternoon- we have a "photo shoot" at women entrepreneurs. should be fun (as long as i keep my eyes open!).

asde from that, i made out well at sew & home yesterday...although perry doesn't know that yet! they have 20% off special orders so i got 2 benches for in front of our fireplace. perry is picking up our new desk on friday as well so things are rolling along in the house again. can't believe we've been in for almost 7 months and i'm so far away from being done. i'm actually taking our landscape plans to get a quote tomorrow. that's going to be a huge expense so i figure i should get the furniture now before perry really puts a freeze on my spending!

anyway, off to enjoy a movie before i head to bed.


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