Monday, January 19, 2009

great weekend

so, lunch yesterday was a success! we used to take ryan to fuddruckers all the time, but i can't remember when it was that we were there last. anyway, both girls were so well behaved. i even got to eat!

we actually had a great weekend with the girls. ryan & perry had play dates tobogganing all weekend with ryan's best friend and her dad. layla and i hung out and i got lots of work done around the house...unpacking from TO, etc. the weather has been amazing too, which makes leaving the house a little easier. ran a few errands by myself- it's crazy how much you can get done without kids in tow! managed to put in about 12 hours of work for the store and that was the weekend.

i am still on the hunt for some great accessories for our house. the new style at home magazine is great this month...all about accessorizing. i have really been impressed with their magazine lately. they've really stepped it up. i think i'm almost done the guest bedroom and now i like it more than our master bedroom. that is my next project.

off to run more errands today...getting handles for a new desk i am having made for our home office, and of course i will have to stop by the store to check out the progress!

have a good one

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