Sunday, July 19, 2009

hot, hot, hot!

just got back from a great (and hot!) weekend with becca & family at their family cabin. weather was glad it cooperated! i think becca might show up a little sore tomorrow...from a sunburn and from doing her tricks on the knee board! it was so nice to get away for the weekend. kids played so well together (and we did too!).

back to work tomorrow after a week of the chicken pox. i really did think layla got them. 4 kids came down with them at daycare and she got 2 spots the day after the break out started. weird thing though...she only got 2 spots. had her 1 year check-up on tuesday by coincidence and doc confirmed they were chicken pox. i'm just not sure now. have you ever heard of a child getting only 2 spots? that would be absolutely wonderful if that was it, but i am not so sure??? what are your thoughts?

if it doesn't rain tomorrow we are getting topsoil. i checked the forecast and i don't even want to go there, but it looks like we might get $%#! tomorrow...i can't even say it anymore!

off to get ready for a glorious week of work- yay!!!!


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