Friday, May 22, 2009

weekend fun

layla woke up with normal temperatures today...hoping she stays well for a whole day and we're done with this virus!! i've really been needing a night out...and tomorrow...keep my fingers crossed layla stays well...becca, steven, perry and i are heading out to prairieland park for dinner. i can't remember what the name of he event is, but apparently a chef from the food network does all the food prep. as i understand it there is a wine testing afterwards...which is even better! it's no wonder people always knew i was preggo when i wasn't drinking red wine! ryan & i are actually have dinner at the synagogue tonight as i am super excited not to have to cook for the next 2 nights!

not much else planned for the weekend, but i am hoping perry will hang some pictures for me. i have 9 huge portaits that have been waiting to be hung for several months. this involves math and a ladder, neither of which i am good with! i would really like to get that checked off my house decorating "to do" list.

supposed to have some nice weather this weekend so enjoy it while you can!!

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