Wednesday, May 13, 2009


over the last couple days i've been thinking that it might be the right time to get a puppy! i know i'm crazy - we're already too busy. but, i'm thinking seriously about it! it's not like my life is going to get any easier in the next few years, so right now COULD be the right time to get a dog?!?!? maybe i'm going through a mid-life crisis!! i'll keep you posted! i need some advice - my usual sounding board, jor, is no good in this area, she's not an animal person. HELP, why should or shouldn't i get a dog?

have a great day!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'd suggest waiting until your kids are a bit older and they can share in the responsibilities! Plus a new puppy means a few sleepless nights! After going through that with my kids I'm not sure I would have the patience for a puppy keeping me up at night. Then you can always think about how you will have to train a dog not to pee all over your house! Ugh! Seems like alot of work at this stage of the game!
Good luck!