Tuesday, December 16, 2008

staff party

last night was our annual staff holiday party. we had a great time at Wild Serendipity. we made holiday appetizers under the instruction of the owner, michelle, and was quite relieved that she did most of the work while we chatted away! so nice to get together socially instead of at a staff meeting...although we always seem to have a good time no matter what setting we are in. becca and i are so lucky to have a great team working with us. it's going to make the transition to our new & improved space to much easier.


we actually took the staff on a tour of our new spac last night and it was great to see the excitement on their faces as they walked in and saw how much more space we will have...kristan and lindsay (our "warehouse gals") were also pumped about our dedicated space for receiving merchandise and the abundance of onsite storage! we've been renting an off site storage facility for about a year and now it's full too! we'll have plenty of space to store everything and becca won't have to make trips to storage anymore!

anyway, gotta run (layla woke up). i will post pictures of our party when i get them off my camera!

have a good night!


Anonymous said...

I really want to see the pics from the staff party!

cravings maternity & baby . . . said...

i've downloaded the pictures but they're on my other computer... will post soon!