Friday, April 17, 2009

me & the girls

thought i would write quickly while ryan is pretending to straighten my hair with her barbie (toy) curling iron! she's such a girl- already telling her daddy that he can't match his clothes! we had a great day today. lyala woke up grumpy this morning so i wasn't sure what the day would bring. she had a good morning nap and then we went out for lunch with 2 other moms and their girls. you really never know how these things will turn out, but today went extremely well. layla went down for her afternoon nap late, which normally makes her cranky. am guessing that it was all the kids and the excitement around that kept her mind off being tired.

i am sitting in my living room right now noticing that the sun is starting to break through the clouds. it's about time. i am hoping we have good weather this weekend. another weekend of call for perry which means that it's just me and the girls today, tomorrow and sunday. i so look forward to having an extra set of hands on the weekends, but i'm already coming up with an action plan to keep ryan occupied while layla naps. perry is supposed to be attending a conference next weekend and then vegas the weekend after for a stag...i'm thinking that i'm due for a day to myself...doesn't look like that'll be happening any time soon.

met with a few landscapers and driveway people so things are starting to come together. i seriously cannot believe how expensive landscaping is. i suppose i could cut down the costs and do something simple...but that's just not me! if i'm going to do it, i want to have an amazing yard. i love dinners outside in the summer and we actually have an outdoor fireplace so i want to create a nice seating area around that as well. curtis & trevor, from atmosphere interior design are coming back in a couple weeks to help help me with a few design ideas, etc. that's also a really dangerous thing because they ALWAYS come up with ideas that i love!!

anyway, will be fantastic when it's done! one thing at a time...i just need to get through this weekend first!


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