Sunday, April 12, 2009

great weekend away

hope your weekend has been relaxing- mine certainly has been. we are away visiting my parents in alberta. was so dreading the drive down. we haven't been on a road trip with layla since she was weeks old so i wasn't sure how she would handle it. she was such a good girl. hardly made a fuss at all and even had 2 naps! that is something ryan would never do for us at that age. am crossing my fingers that the ride home will be as good.

did a bit of shopping, visited with great friends we haven't seen in years, had lots of family meals, did lots of playing with the kids, enjoyed the 20 degree was a great break away from home and makes me excited for our family vacation this summer.

now that i've got my head around coming home tomorrow, i am preparing for a busy week ahead. becca is away and lots is happening. will fill you in as the week progresses!

oh, and i'm meeting with a landscape company that has a quote for this point the company that actually calls me back and is reasonable priced gets the work...this is ridiculous in my opinion!

anyway, off to get pack things up so we can head out when layla wakes in the morning.

have a good one

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