Thursday, March 19, 2009

way too tired!

feeling like all i'm doing is complaining! but seriously i am so tired right now i am nauseous. i was up until wee hours of the morning. this is 6 days in a row now with very little sleep. i took ryan to daycare and had plans to come home and sleep while layla napped. murphy's law...i had a hard time shutting my brain off and when i finally fell asleep, she woke up. the worst nap she has had in months. i am so jacked up on caffeine right now i couldn't sleep unless i drugged myself and layla has been sleeping now for 2 hours. tonight is the first night in about 10 days that i will be at home and i have to pack for vancouver and get the house ready for my MIL's visit. i'm hoping to come back from vancouver new & improved. becca has promised me that we won't start another project for at least 2 days! what is wrong with us???

anyway, i am really looking forward to our weekend. i have already mapped out our shopping route on robson for sunday afternoon! i am in desperate need of some retail therapy. i'm pretty sure shopping cures exhaustion!

have a great weekend! looks like the weather is supposed to be better!


oh ya, wanted to mention another new product we just received- little miss matched- too cute!

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