Tuesday, March 31, 2009


had a very productive day at work yesterday. think we placed about 20 orders...can't believe work how fast things sell out! got a tonne of paperwork done too...and i got to stay home in the evening! i'm definitely ready to make the switch to a couple days a week. i don't mind working some evenings because i actually get way more work done when the store is closed...but i'm also getting burnt out. all about balance, right?

spent the morning calling landscaping places. i find it so funny when i'm told that someone will call me back to arrange for an estimate, but if they don't call, i should call them back??? what is that? i can see how important i am to a company when i'm not guaranteed a returned call. i'm not in to begging for service so i'll gladly go with the company that values my business. i honestly couldn't imagine running our business like that. anyway, a few companies have returned my calls so now i just need to get them my plan and we'll go from there.

i think layla and i are going to head out a do a bit of shopping this afternoon. she's been sleeping for 3 hours now so i'm thinking she'll be waking right away. it's such a nice day outside...don't want to get stuck in doors.

enjoy the sunshine!

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