Thursday, November 19, 2009

it's been awhile so i thought i would give you a quick rundown of what's been happening. H1N1 hit us at the store but thankfully it has only infected 2 of us. nicole, our manager, has been off for a week and a half with her her illness and both her kids caught it too. our book-keeper heather has been off as well and her eldest has also been sick. hopefully this will be for illnesses. still using the hand sanitizer every 30 seconds! nicole should be back tomorrow so things should return to normal soon! becca has also been away in mexico for her brother's wedding. she's back this looking forward to having her back!! it's strange not to have the person you talk to 3000 times a day around! the store has been super busy this week too...always happens when you're short staffed!

i was actually also away for 3 days. flew to seattle with a girlfriend from high school. we went to visit another friend who just moved there with her husband. we had an absolutely amazing weekend of shopping, eating, drinking and chatting. i can't believe it had been 7 years since we were together without kids! picked up right where we left off!!

aside from that, i have been working hard on our secret project. i am keeping my fingers crossed that we can meet our deadline of december 1st! there is still so much to do, but really we always seem to get it done! have i mentioned how much i am looking forward to having becca back?!

i wanted to mention again that cravings is hiring! we're looking for full time and part time positions. if you, or someone you know, might be interested, please drop off a resume to nicole!

anyway, my plan is (was) to sit and NOT WORK i'm off!


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