Tuesday, April 21, 2009

where`s the sun

where is the sun? seriously, i can't take much more of this! i really notice how the weather affects me. feeling pretty lazy today that's for sure.

have both girls today and i'm trying to figure out what we can do when layla wakes up. ryan is telling me she's tired and doesn't feel like leaving the house but we need to get out...even for a bit of fresh air. maybe we'll go for a walk and pick up lunch. at least i'll get a bit of exercise this way.

so, i am debating getting yet another stroller. i have 4 right now. sounds crazy i know. one of them i never use and will buy a maclaren to replace it, but i think i'd like to get a phil and teds vibe. i think it would be great for walks and it's a single stroller with an optional kit that turns it in to a double. ryan is almost 4 but she still likes to be strolled around. anyway, we are bringing one in for our sales floor and i might end up buying it...we'll see what perry has to say!

check it out

anyway, i`m going to get a bottle ready for layla as she should be waking soon!

here`s hoping the sun comes out soon!

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