Friday, November 28, 2008

a tooth!

layla got her first tooth! i couldn't believe it. she's only 4 1/2 months afterall. she seems a bit cranky (who wouldn't be), but it hasn't seemed to affect her sleep...keeping my fingers crossed. she just seems so little to be getting teeth already...they grow up so fast!

staying home tonight...first night this week without working...ok, i take that back. i spent a couple of hours doing payroll tonight. it was my first time doing it, but everything seemed to work out fine. it's nice becuz i can do it at home. i'll be heading to work tomorrow for a couple of hours as well. i'm sure staff would like to get their cheques!

so, i was thinking, i'm not sure if we've ever advertised that we carry Matt & Nat handbags. sorry, the diaper bags have all sold (we'll bring in tonnes more for spring/summer), but we also carry their handbags. Matt & Nat have downsized the number of stores that carry their bags in saskatoon so we feel privileged to be one of those retailers.

well, that's it for tonight. i am so darn that the kids are asleep, i am going to have a glass of red and sit in front of the tv!


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