Thursday, July 2, 2009

one more day

on the last leg of our holiday. supposed to be 30 degrees today. layla woke early this morning so she's aready down for a nap. perry & ryan are at the pool and my family should be meeting us in about an hour. i love vacation but it's just so much work. guess that's why it's been a year and a half since we've been anywhere...hawaii was our last trip and that seems like forever ago. as layla gets a bit older, it'll get easier...we're already talking about a couple winter vacations this year...i'm definitely not making the mistake of sticking around for an entire saskatchewan winter after the last one we had.

looking forward to dinner at my bros tonight...and maybe a few cocktails! also looking forward to a few drinks on our new patio some time in the (near) future! i'm hoping they have the stone work complete when we get back. this 2 week project has somehow turned in to 4 weeks, which will soon turn in to 6 weeks i'm thinking. oh well, it's looking amazing and we'll have most of the summer to enjoy it.

hey, stay tunes for the launch of our new website...becca "tweeted" that it should be live today!!

have a good one

1 comment:

Carson said...

love the new website, totally chic. worth every hour you put into it!!