Friday, June 26, 2009


trying to pack for a family of four is really's mostly layla's things that pre-occupy my mind...bottles, formula, food, diapers, etc, etc. we are heading out for a quick family "vacation". looking forward to it and keeping my fingers crossed that everything goes smoothly! we have friends coming in from out of town that will be staying at our place...too bad we'll miss them, but nice that they will have a place to themselves! picked up the new vibe stroller from phil & teds last night. test drove it today and love it!! the kids both really enjoyed it too. people often worry that the babe won't like being in the back seat, but layla was just fine!

this week was a big one in the yard. stairs along the side of our house are almost done, patio & walkway are done...4 retaining walls and a rasied planter in the front yard and we're ready to move on to top oil, sprinklers, fence & sod...oh yes, and some planting. our driveway was also poured this week. it's really difficult to tell what it's going to look like when finished. we got it stamped so at this point the "release" powder is still sitting on top...can' tell what color it really is. we went light with our driveway and if you haven't noticed there are not many light stamped driveways out there. this was a new challenge for the company and super stressful for me. curtis & trevor were quite insistent that we go light becuz our house is so dark and i completely trust their opinion. just hoping it turns out the way i have it envisioned.

will try & write while i am away...if not, have a great week and i will write when i get back


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