it's supposed to be 25 degrees today but the wind is nuts! if it's not snow, it's wind. i am dying to get outside and enjoy the sun, but that's not happening.
perry just got home from a morning of golf. i get so excited when we are all together- it seems like such a rare occassion. we have a few things to check out this afternoon for our yard. we really need to get a shed. i've checked out quite a few online and i think i've found something. i can't believe how expensive they are- but it's definitely a neccesity. i am also on the hunt for contemporary planters. i can find traditional ones, but am having a hard time finding anything "different". they always have such nice ones on the design shows but it's rarely something available in saskatoon. anyone know where i should start looking? i'm thinking blossoms or charter house interiors? so excited that the landscaping is starting this week!
aside from that, i am getting a much needed hair cut this afternoon and i'll probably make my way to the store for a bit!
have a good one!
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Thursday, May 28, 2009
thursday already? where has the week gone?
perry is on his way with ryan to get her 4 year old immunization...and i am freaking out! i hate needles and i have a feeling that he's going to have to pin her down to get this done. i still remember being restrained as a child. horrible memories of that. i sent him with treats to hopefully he can distract her...i actually feel nauseous right now!
so exciting landscaping news! i spoke with my landscaper this morning and apparently they are looking to get started by the end of next week! so excited to get this going already! so excited to get rid of the dirt! will post pictures as promised!
anyway, i am going to keep my mind busy by cleaning the kitchen!
have a good night :)
perry is on his way with ryan to get her 4 year old immunization...and i am freaking out! i hate needles and i have a feeling that he's going to have to pin her down to get this done. i still remember being restrained as a child. horrible memories of that. i sent him with treats to hopefully he can distract her...i actually feel nauseous right now!
so exciting landscaping news! i spoke with my landscaper this morning and apparently they are looking to get started by the end of next week! so excited to get this going already! so excited to get rid of the dirt! will post pictures as promised!
anyway, i am going to keep my mind busy by cleaning the kitchen!
have a good night :)
Monday, May 25, 2009
i am sure you or someone you know has a BRITAX car seat. they are truly the safest, highest quality and "easiest to use" car seat out there. BRITAX is actually releasing some new models and i thought you might be interested in seeing this interview on the ABC Morning Show. please keep in mind this is an american broadcast (laws & guidelines may vary). i have also attached the link for the car seat clinics in saskatoon. please be sure to have your seat checked to ensure it is installed properly!
to get more information on BRITAX seats, you can visit
or come in to CRAVINGS MATERNITY & BABY and we would be pleased to show you all the safety features BRITAX has incorporated in to their seats to keep your baby safe!
to get more information on BRITAX seats, you can visit
or come in to CRAVINGS MATERNITY & BABY and we would be pleased to show you all the safety features BRITAX has incorporated in to their seats to keep your baby safe!
Sunday, May 24, 2009
great food, great company!
wow- 2 days now and no fever. this better be it! so glad layla was feeling better so becca, steven, perry & i could go to our "management" meeting last night- a 6 course meal accompanied by 6 glasses of wine! needless to say we still have to pick up our vehicle today! we had a great time at our table. met some great new people (that perry actually works with). we got shhhh'd by the guest chef a few times (all in fun of course!). that's how we know we are having a really good time! we even made it to bailey's for an hour. i am really way too old so stay out like that, but i'm not feeling too too bad this morning.
we had such an amazing day at the store yesterday...must have been the sun. i know i always feel like spending more money when the sun is shining. speaking of spending money, did you hear that we are getting home sense? i cannot wait ! i absolutely LOVE home sense. anyone know when it's opening? i am heading over to stonebridge today so i'm going to scope out the area to see if there are any signs.
oh, so progress on the picture hanging...5 out of 9 are hung now! nothing like a deadline to get our butts in gear. western living magazine is coming for a tour of our home at the end of june... better have everything in order by then!
here's hoping the sun comes out from behind the clouds today...i'm ready to shop!
we had such an amazing day at the store yesterday...must have been the sun. i know i always feel like spending more money when the sun is shining. speaking of spending money, did you hear that we are getting home sense? i cannot wait ! i absolutely LOVE home sense. anyone know when it's opening? i am heading over to stonebridge today so i'm going to scope out the area to see if there are any signs.
oh, so progress on the picture hanging...5 out of 9 are hung now! nothing like a deadline to get our butts in gear. western living magazine is coming for a tour of our home at the end of june... better have everything in order by then!
here's hoping the sun comes out from behind the clouds today...i'm ready to shop!
Friday, May 22, 2009
weekend fun
layla woke up with normal temperatures today...hoping she stays well for a whole day and we're done with this virus!! i've really been needing a night out...and tomorrow...keep my fingers crossed layla stays well...becca, steven, perry and i are heading out to prairieland park for dinner. i can't remember what the name of he event is, but apparently a chef from the food network does all the food prep. as i understand it there is a wine testing afterwards...which is even better! it's no wonder people always knew i was preggo when i wasn't drinking red wine! ryan & i are actually have dinner at the synagogue tonight as i am super excited not to have to cook for the next 2 nights!
not much else planned for the weekend, but i am hoping perry will hang some pictures for me. i have 9 huge portaits that have been waiting to be hung for several months. this involves math and a ladder, neither of which i am good with! i would really like to get that checked off my house decorating "to do" list.
supposed to have some nice weather this weekend so enjoy it while you can!!
not much else planned for the weekend, but i am hoping perry will hang some pictures for me. i have 9 huge portaits that have been waiting to be hung for several months. this involves math and a ladder, neither of which i am good with! i would really like to get that checked off my house decorating "to do" list.
supposed to have some nice weather this weekend so enjoy it while you can!!
Thursday, May 21, 2009
still sick
so layla woke up warm this morning...not nearly as warm as she was tuesday evening but still on the warm side. gave her advil and she felt much better before i put her down for her nap. i've got an appointment at 1pm to see our doctor. she does have a cold, but i am thinking it has something to do with her ear. she has woken up the past 2 days with a REALLY waxy ear. anyone come across this before?
curtis & trevor from atmosphere interior design have asked if they could use a picture taken of our house for their telephone book ad in the fall....OF COURSE! they forwarded the ad to me and it looks fantastic! excited to see it in print!
coffee #3 is calling my name....have a good one...
curtis & trevor from atmosphere interior design have asked if they could use a picture taken of our house for their telephone book ad in the fall....OF COURSE! they forwarded the ad to me and it looks fantastic! excited to see it in print!
coffee #3 is calling my name....have a good one...
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
it's been awhile
i serioulsy attempted to write three times this weekend...our computer froze twice and i never did finish my third attempt. we had another "long" weekend. perry was on call friday and sunday which means that part of saturday and monday were a write-off too.
kristan (cravings inventory gal) got married on saturday so i worked with alicia on the sales floor in the afternoon (when perry woke up) so the other gals could attend the wedding. i did attend the reception which was really lovely. kristan was a beautiful bride!
layla had seemed to be on the mend and then monday night things changed. she was extremely fussy (so unlike her) and she refused to eat or drink. i put her to bed and she seemed to wake up tuesday with a cold. by late in the afternoon monday she had a fever again. she woke up with a fever this morning too. i'm not sure i can take much more of this! i'm thinking i have enough grey hair for my age :) she seemed much better after her morning nap but i'm never sure if it's the medicine or if she's really better. i didn't give her anymore medicine this time around and she's down for another nap so we'll see how she is when she wakes. just feel so bad for my little princess...
not much else happening around here, although i am getting excited for our landscaping to start. i think i've picked out the stone for our raised planters, retaining walls, stairs and patio now. we have actually decided to do artificial grass for our looks just like the nicest lawn on the block but completley maintenance free. perry and i are both loving this idea when thinking about how much work our back yard is going to be. i'll be sure to take some pictures of the project so you can see the progress!
kristan (cravings inventory gal) got married on saturday so i worked with alicia on the sales floor in the afternoon (when perry woke up) so the other gals could attend the wedding. i did attend the reception which was really lovely. kristan was a beautiful bride!
layla had seemed to be on the mend and then monday night things changed. she was extremely fussy (so unlike her) and she refused to eat or drink. i put her to bed and she seemed to wake up tuesday with a cold. by late in the afternoon monday she had a fever again. she woke up with a fever this morning too. i'm not sure i can take much more of this! i'm thinking i have enough grey hair for my age :) she seemed much better after her morning nap but i'm never sure if it's the medicine or if she's really better. i didn't give her anymore medicine this time around and she's down for another nap so we'll see how she is when she wakes. just feel so bad for my little princess...
not much else happening around here, although i am getting excited for our landscaping to start. i think i've picked out the stone for our raised planters, retaining walls, stairs and patio now. we have actually decided to do artificial grass for our looks just like the nicest lawn on the block but completley maintenance free. perry and i are both loving this idea when thinking about how much work our back yard is going to be. i'll be sure to take some pictures of the project so you can see the progress!
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
a new addition!!
a bit of a crazy long -weekend for my gang! on saturday night steven, the boys and i went to a bar mitzvah party. it started at 8pm - half an hour AFTER adam's bedtime. the bar mitzvah boy's grandparents own the BMW dealership and the party was held there. all the cars had been moved outside and replaced with party things - and lots and lots of candy! my boys were in heaven -they had never seen so much candy . . . or eaten so much candy! i was quite worried that we were going to have at least one barfer. thanks goodness they both kept all the junk food down! both boys were being soooo good that we stayed until 11:30pm!! and for the very first time, they actually slept in in the morning! wow!
and even crazier - we bought a puppy! steven and i had been talking for little while about finally breaking down a getting a dog. on sunday we went to VISIT some puppies and somehow ended up bring one home with us!!!! i can't believe i did that - it seems so irresponsible. but, so far, so good! mosely is a 10.5 week old, black and tan havanese. he's a super sweet boy and i think he likes us!?!? the boys are thrilled! noah has actually been a really good helper and adam really likes petting him - and eating his food!
he came with an instruction manual, which is awesome (why couldn't my babies have come with one?), but it is also quite stressful to know how much of an impact these first few weeks at our house have on his future! wish us luck!!
Friday, May 15, 2009
great night!

last night we won a SABEX award for marketing - what a great surprise!! after last year's double win, we were not expecting anything! it was such a shock when they called our names - luckily jordana had prepared a speech just in case (which by the way was a great speech - thanks jor). meredith and nicole joined us this year and we sat with my dad and three of his managers from centennial. lucky table #44! centennial won two awards last night, customer service (we beat them last year in this category) and BUSINESS OF THE YEAR!! congrats arnie - you should be very proud of your team & accomplishments!
this year they stepped the awards up a notch and made them more red carpet-y. for the first year ever, they had an a after party at the second avenue grill! it was also a tonne of fun!
all in all, a fantastic night! how can it get any better?!?!!?
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
happy birthday becca!
hope you had a great day! thanks for having us for's been awhile! looking forward to spending the day and evening with you tomorrow!
over the last couple days i've been thinking that it might be the right time to get a puppy! i know i'm crazy - we're already too busy. but, i'm thinking seriously about it! it's not like my life is going to get any easier in the next few years, so right now COULD be the right time to get a dog?!?!? maybe i'm going through a mid-life crisis!! i'll keep you posted! i need some advice - my usual sounding board, jor, is no good in this area, she's not an animal person. HELP, why should or shouldn't i get a dog?
have a great day!
have a great day!
Monday, May 11, 2009
the worst seems to be over. layla woke this morning and her tempertaure was normal. i am keeping my fingers crossed that this is it. her fever has broken twice before and come back so who knows. i'm staying at home today to keep an eye on her and hoping she be well enough so i can go to work tomorrow.
here are some pictures from pole dancing this weekend! i think everyone had a great time putting their sexy on! kristan (the bride-to-be) was a natural! sorry that meredith, allison & lindsay weren't able to join us. next time girls!

here are some pictures from pole dancing this weekend! i think everyone had a great time putting their sexy on! kristan (the bride-to-be) was a natural! sorry that meredith, allison & lindsay weren't able to join us. next time girls!

Sunday, May 10, 2009
happy mom's day
happy mother's day to all the moms! unfortunately i'll be staying at home with a sick little girl today...makes you remember what mother's day is really all about...not about the presents & flowers (don't tell perry i said this)...but about the wonderful gift of being a mom.
i hope you all have a wonderful, relaxing deserve it :)
i hope you all have a wonderful, relaxing deserve it :)
Friday, May 8, 2009
worry, worry
seriously parenthood should come with a warning..."you will worry like you've never worried before"...well that's definitely me. so i spent 2 hours at a walk-in clinic with layla. she had a fever yesterday and woke up fine this morning. i took her to daycare, had a wonderful morning with ryan, picked her up and then she was febrile again this afternoon. what's up with this? i am completely exhausted right now after bouncing her for 2 hours in a crowded, overheated walk-in clinic. i'm just hoping that she wakes up herself tomorrow so i can stop worrying. i seriously think i am heading to bed in 5 minutes with ryan...either that or i'm going to get in to the red wine!
Thursday, May 7, 2009
my poor baby
at work right now getting through mountains of paperwork. such a busy day at the store today- must be the sun shining! anyway, my brain is getting foggy from all the numbers so i thought i would take a break to write a little update.
so, tomorrow i am supposed to be going to ryan's pre-school for mother's day. i arranged with daycare to take layla tomorrow morning so i could go and everything was worked layla has a fever. i don't know what it is with her, but she has had several fevers since she was born- a whopping 10 months ago. ryan rarely had a fever so it's freaking me out. anyway, she wasn't herself today and slept a tonne. i am hoping it'll be gone by morning so i can do this with ryan. i know she is so looking forward to me being there and it will break my heart if all the other kids have their mommies there and she doesn't. times like this where you realize how nice it would be to have family here to help out. i guess we'll see what tomorrow brings...keeping my fingers crossed.
aside from that, we have another busy weekend. we're having a stagette for kristan (cravings gal) on saturday night! we're all going pole dancing! everyone is really looking forward to it...should be a great time. stay tuned for pictures of that night! oh and have i complained about how much perry is working these days? seriously between work, dinners for work and all his extra cirrciular activities, i am lucky to see him a couple of hours a week, which also means i can't leave the house. this month has been nuts and i'm starting to get a little edgy about all the stuff going on....ENOUGH!!
anyway, that's enough whining for one night! off to get more paperwork done!
so, tomorrow i am supposed to be going to ryan's pre-school for mother's day. i arranged with daycare to take layla tomorrow morning so i could go and everything was worked layla has a fever. i don't know what it is with her, but she has had several fevers since she was born- a whopping 10 months ago. ryan rarely had a fever so it's freaking me out. anyway, she wasn't herself today and slept a tonne. i am hoping it'll be gone by morning so i can do this with ryan. i know she is so looking forward to me being there and it will break my heart if all the other kids have their mommies there and she doesn't. times like this where you realize how nice it would be to have family here to help out. i guess we'll see what tomorrow brings...keeping my fingers crossed.
aside from that, we have another busy weekend. we're having a stagette for kristan (cravings gal) on saturday night! we're all going pole dancing! everyone is really looking forward to it...should be a great time. stay tuned for pictures of that night! oh and have i complained about how much perry is working these days? seriously between work, dinners for work and all his extra cirrciular activities, i am lucky to see him a couple of hours a week, which also means i can't leave the house. this month has been nuts and i'm starting to get a little edgy about all the stuff going on....ENOUGH!!
anyway, that's enough whining for one night! off to get more paperwork done!
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Sunday, May 3, 2009
i made it!
perry comes home tonight!!! do you sense the enthusiasm in my voice?! he has been gone since wednesday, enjoying a guys weekend in las vegas. he went with a large group of his friends from calgary so i am sure he had a great time. my parents came down to hang out with us which was a blessing. so so nice to have an extra set of hands. i took advantage a couple of times and left to run a few errands. it's amazing how quickly i can grocery shop without kids! i seriously finished in 15 minutes. i rushed as though i had both with me. i kept telling myself to slow down but i don't think i have that in me anymore.
i did also manage to find a dress for the SABEX awards gala while i snuck out one night. i had beeca come and check it out cuz it's a bit shorter than what i am used to. she gave it the thumbs up so i'm thinking it's ok. it is on the "red carpet" this year after all. the committee is really going all out this year to make it an extra special evening. limos, red carpet, media, an after-party...should be tonnes of fun!!
i also think we've finally figured out our landscaping. i've found a great company who actually returns my phone calls- imagine that! we should be starting in june. a few things left to discuss with perry first but i'm thinking we're ready to sign on the dotted line. i can't wait to have a finished yard. it'll be so nice to have a place for the kids to play. oh and speaking of kids, i seriously can't believe how many there are in our neighbourhood...on our street. it's fantastic. lots of kids ryan's age too which is great. we met a new little girl at the park today and she was just thrilled.
off to get ryan to bed and to get ready myself. silver spoon dinner tomorrow night so that's where i'll be heading after work to volunteer.
hope you had a great weekend!
i did also manage to find a dress for the SABEX awards gala while i snuck out one night. i had beeca come and check it out cuz it's a bit shorter than what i am used to. she gave it the thumbs up so i'm thinking it's ok. it is on the "red carpet" this year after all. the committee is really going all out this year to make it an extra special evening. limos, red carpet, media, an after-party...should be tonnes of fun!!
i also think we've finally figured out our landscaping. i've found a great company who actually returns my phone calls- imagine that! we should be starting in june. a few things left to discuss with perry first but i'm thinking we're ready to sign on the dotted line. i can't wait to have a finished yard. it'll be so nice to have a place for the kids to play. oh and speaking of kids, i seriously can't believe how many there are in our neighbourhood...on our street. it's fantastic. lots of kids ryan's age too which is great. we met a new little girl at the park today and she was just thrilled.
off to get ryan to bed and to get ready myself. silver spoon dinner tomorrow night so that's where i'll be heading after work to volunteer.
hope you had a great weekend!
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