Sunday, November 30, 2008

holiday shopping party!!!

another weekend has passed...seriously where does the time go? it's december 1st tomorrow! our holiday shopping party is approaching so make sure to check your inbox for the announcement. as a thank you to our customers for truly an amazing year, we will be having our BIGGEST SALE EVER! if you don't receive our newsletters, sign up now as we will be sending out a little something extra to our VIP members!

you can sign up on our website:

also wanted to let you know that for the month of december, we are participating in the C95 Food Bank Challenge! bring in a non-perishable food item or make a cash donation and enter your name to win a cravings gift certificate!!

well, it's time to bathe ryan and get her off to bed...desperate housewives & brothers and sisters tonight!!


Friday, November 28, 2008

a tooth!

layla got her first tooth! i couldn't believe it. she's only 4 1/2 months afterall. she seems a bit cranky (who wouldn't be), but it hasn't seemed to affect her sleep...keeping my fingers crossed. she just seems so little to be getting teeth already...they grow up so fast!

staying home tonight...first night this week without working...ok, i take that back. i spent a couple of hours doing payroll tonight. it was my first time doing it, but everything seemed to work out fine. it's nice becuz i can do it at home. i'll be heading to work tomorrow for a couple of hours as well. i'm sure staff would like to get their cheques!

so, i was thinking, i'm not sure if we've ever advertised that we carry Matt & Nat handbags. sorry, the diaper bags have all sold (we'll bring in tonnes more for spring/summer), but we also carry their handbags. Matt & Nat have downsized the number of stores that carry their bags in saskatoon so we feel privileged to be one of those retailers.

well, that's it for tonight. i am so darn that the kids are asleep, i am going to have a glass of red and sit in front of the tv!


Wednesday, November 26, 2008

busy, busy

well, layla got her shots and although she doesn't seem 100%, she doesn't seem to have a fever. she is in the 50th percentile for weight & height...a far cry from being in the 98th percentile when she was born...although she did weigh over 9 lbs at birth!

after her shots, becca and i had a meeting and then we attended the Rawlco Radio x-mas party. had a great time...always nice to network with other business owners. then it was off to work! by the time i got home, i was completely exhausted. layla slept in until 7 am this morning so i got some extra sleep which was nice. the next month or so are going to be busy, busy with shopping parties, staff parties, etc etc.

the store has also been busy, busy and once again, we are looking for a sales associate! if you are outgoing, energetic and dependable, please drop off your resume in person to Rebecca. can't believe we could have a staff of 10 some time that possible??? seems unreal to me!

today is going to be more low key. the girls and i went shopping for gifts for the kids at an inner city pre-school. ryan was very excited to pick out the gifts for other little girls (pretty much all princess stuff!) and i had a great time teaching her about helping others. we've watched the biggest loser ( a favorite show of ours) and now i've got to come up with this afternoon's activities because i don't feel like leaving the house again.

have a great day!

Monday, November 24, 2008

nothing to watch

i was so looking forward to sitting on the couch and watching tv, but the usual shows aren't on this week becuz of thanksgiving...such a disappointment. so instead i thought i would do a quick blog and work on some stuff for our next staff meeting. i remember our first "staff meeting"...there were 3 of there are 8! crazy how much we've grown in 2 1/2 years!!

so, tomorrow layla goes for her 4 month immunizations. a little late but i had to arrange it when perry is post call so he can go in with her. again, i will be the trembling "baby" in the waiting room! i REALLY don't like needles and it's my husband's specialty! i'm just hoping she doesn't spike a fever this time. it really makes me nervous. i am anxious to see how much she weighs now. i have a feeling that she's about the same as ryan at this age...and ryan was 2 1/2 pounds lighter at birth! i think layla started out bigger but i'm not sure that she's grown at the same rate as ryan did...thank goodness! anyway, will look forward to having that over with.

also have the rawlco radio christmas party tomorrow evening. that means i don't have to cook dinner and i get to leave perry with both kids!! love it!

this time of year sure gets busy. watch out for an announcement about our annual holiday shopping party at cravings! check out our website at or wait for a special invite if you are a member of our VIP club and receive our emails. we might actually have a little something extra for our members this year!

have a good night!


Sunday, November 23, 2008

jessica & honor

looks like jessica alba's daughter, honor, has been photographed with two more items that we carry at cravings. check out in touch magazine, page 45. honor is shown wearing organic cotton socks from baberoo. they are super cute and come in a variety of colors and patterns!

jessica was also carrying honor's soothie pacifier. cravings carries them in 2-packs now!

back to reading star gossip!


Saturday, November 22, 2008

i've decided i should just stay home! i was feeling house bound becuz i have been sick for the past few days so layla and i went shopping...and i bought an area rug! i mean when does this end?! decorating and furnishing a house has become an addiction for me! i see how nice one room looks completed and i want to do it all! perry, on the other hand, does not feel this way! don't get me wrong, he loves the way things look, but he definitely doesn't feel the sense of urgency that i do to get it all done!

aside from that, i am feeling better...still coughing like crazy though. i have high hopes for a strong return to work this week. i'm ready to tackle the next stack of papers!

not much else happening this weekend. i think i might finish my holiday shopping tomorrow at our store. i think i've decided to get layla the monte love seat to match the chair i bought will make such a cute little seating area in the girls' toy room!

oh, i also wanted to mention a new line of boy's clothing that we are carrying

"almost" makes me want to try for baby #3! we do carry the skivvies for girls though and they are soooo adorable...definitely a must-have for the girls!

have a good weekend!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

the flu

so much for a balanced life! i have come down with the flu. guess it's my body's way of telling me to slow down. i just got so excited that i was accomplishing something at the store that i kept going back for more! well, today is going to be a lazy day for plans to get out of pj's today!

perry just came home from picking up our new end tables! very exciting to see our house transform with our new furnishings. the end tables are too heavy for me to pull out of the boxes so i'll have to wait until perry gets home to see what they look like. now i'm just waiting for my sofas.

oh, i wanted to mention, did anyone read US Weekly this week? On page 28, you will see Jessica Alba wearing a Belle Baby Carrier and on page 29, you will see Dennis Quaid and his wife strolling their twins in Phil & Ted's strollers- obviously both amazing products we carry!!

check them out

or visit out website


Monday, November 17, 2008

good to be back

well, i've been back to work for a week now...a few hours here, a few hours there. feels like i'm training my brain again! it's all good. just re-affirms for me that opening my own business was the right decision. i love being with my kids, but i also love being at the store- it's all about the balance and that's what my ultimate goal is.

errands today, exercise while the babe is napping, maybe a little shopping (probably shouldn't!) later...

enjoy the day!


Tuesday, November 11, 2008

first day back at work!

well, layla is now 4 months and i returned to work last night...a glorious 4 hours of paperwork! it felt good to use my brain in that way again, but i came home so exhausted from a full day of kids, exercise, cooking dinner, tidying the house, etc...and then work...this should be interesting!! these full days will last until layla is older and i start taking her to daycare. until then, i will be a walking zombie!

still in my pj's this morning and think we'll stay that way for awhile! i was supposed to go in to work today because perry was going to be home...well, he's now working so i'll head in there when he gets home. i think we might make a trip to michael's...ryan loves doing crafts. i bought her some paints and canvasses and she painted a couple of pictures! i love them! i'm going to hang them in our hallway upstairs. they are abstract pictures of nothing- which is what i like- and in bright colors which will looks great against the white walls. put frames around them and you'd never know they were painted by a 3 year old! it kept her busy for 45 minutes which was also an achievement!

gotta run...layla just woke from her first nap!


Sunday, November 9, 2008

weekend getaway

just got back from our overnight weekend getaway to our family cabin at candle lake. we had a relaxing 24 hour mini-vacation with our boys and my parents. watched 3 movies, ate lots of junk, played hide and seek, built cool space ships with lego, cozied up in blankets and sat around the fire - what a nice break from our usual go, go, go. noah has tomorrow and tuesday off school, so he ended up staying one more day with my parents. our car ride home with just adam was a bit stressful - he doesn't like traveling and tends to scream a lot! but we're home now, and he's sleeping happily in his crib. good night!

Monday, November 3, 2008

ready for work!?!

thought i would write quickly while i am waiting for layla to wake for her next feed. my babe is 3 1/2 months already and my return to work is approaching. the time has just flown by, although so much has happened since she was born. i am looking forward to tackling the paperwork and helping becca climb out from behind the back log! i am not however, looking forward to juggling life with 2 kids, work, decorating our new house, finding time for myself, etc, etc. this will be yet another challenge...but one i think i am "ready" for!

our house is coming along one room at a time. so many loose ends are being tied up which is really nice. had no idea how much work there would be after we moved in. this was our first build and an eye opener. i am not one for waiting (on anything) so i am anxious to have everything just so. we are off to the furniture show in january so i am hoping to find some great pieces for my dining room (one room i haven't done a thing with yet). i always seem to have a project (or 2 or 3) on the go! hope to have more project announcements soon!
